Spamalot is based on the movie "Monty Python and the Holy Grail". The show is fantastic and the only time I wasn't laughing was when I was trying to catch my breath to laugh some more. Because the Grail Theater at the Wynn isnt that big, it created this intimate atmosphere that made the experience so much better. Hearing the woman in the next section crack up as soon as the curtain go up and not stop pretty much throughout the show was priceless.
I almost feel like I have to memorize this movie now. "I'm not dead yet!" "Run Away!" "Ni! Ni! Ni!" "Fetchez La Vache!" Those are some of the things I've been saying for a the past few days.
Oh yeah - one more..."I fart in your general direction!" Luckily, I have a picture to prove this one...
The best part of the show was taken from this scene from the movie:
Needless to say, I can't really stop talking about this show. It was great!
The drive up was gorgeous! I have to say that I am a sucker for desert scenery.
One of the reasons I wanted to see and walk over the Hoover Dam was because the the Arizona/Nevada stateline crossed basically right in the middle of it. People use the dam as a way to commute between the states. Maybe it was my overactive imagination, but I swore that there would be some big line showing the stateline and significance that two states met at this engineering marvel. I suppose the the people who wanted to commemerate the moment didn't think like I did. This is all I saw:
Thats it! And I knew it wasnt just me because some asian dude pointed it out as well.
Seriously speaking (or typing) the views from the dam were spectacular! To the north, you have Lake Mead:
To the south, you have the Colorado River:
And here are some pictures of the dam itself.
It really is just impressive and breathtaking. Especially when you look straight down...
And you realize really is pretty damn straight down. Like...really high up and straight down...
And then you remember that you are afraid of heights and start to freak out a little bit.