Sunday, October 09, 2005

So much for my party weekend...

So I had this whole weekend planned....

Thursday: Kings Game
Friday: Hang out with Shannon
Saturday: Quicenera
Sunday: The big move in and Kings Game

So far, I've done everything on my list with one minor exception...I'M SICK! I'm not talking about a little runny nose, oh no, I'm talking about hacking up a lung here. Last night as I was driving to my friend's house from the quicenera, I felt my body burning up. I got here and took my temperature, sure a fever. DAMMIT!! Luckily I feel better today - damn well better since I start my new job tomorrow. The funny thing is that I called Scott on Friday to wish him a Happy Birthday and I swear it sounded like I was a woman of 80 who had smoked for the majority of her life. Whenever I get sick, I tend to lose my voice, yes insert your own "Thank god!" joke here.


Johnny Menace said...

i don't think thursday qualfies as part of the weekend.

Johnny Menace said...

and... thank god

ghartstein said...

Feel better and good luck with the new gig! Looks like we officially start our new adventures on the same day!

Anonymous said...

I am almost in place. I "assume" tomorrow at 1300 edt.

Melissa is... said...

Johnny - Sure it my book it did until my new employment started.

Johnny Deux - shut up

Madman - Thanks! And thats exactly how I sounded

G - Thanks for the luck...we should celebrate!

Azteca - Gracias - right back atcha!

RS - CONGRATS! Check your email later tomorrow then since its not official until then.

Madman - Starting to feel better, starting to recognized the voice coming out of my mouth as my own...yeah!