Sunday, October 16, 2005

What I Miss Most About My Last Job...

Being away from the last gig has really reinforced some thing that I knew I was going to miss. So without further adieu - THE THINGS I MISS MOST ABOUT MY LAST JOB...


Yes, I really really really miss my parking spot. Not only did I know where my car was at the end of the day (which when I got off of work one day last week, I forgot I changed streets during lunch and it took me a block and a half to realize that I was on the wrong street) but it was a good chance that I wasnt going to rack up the parking tickets. Yes, I said tickets - I'm up to two now.


I joked around a while back that no one would come to visit me and someone made a comment that if I had a candy jar that more people would probably drop by - true to get the candy, but at least they would drop by. Wasnt that the truth! To keep up with the demand - I would spend about $20 a week. The guys would pitch in on occassion and it would help out. What shocked me is how much these pilots live on peanut M&M's.


Stop laughing. Let me splain... Every morning I would have to trek up SEVERAL flights of stairs to get to the office. Now, when I first started, I would be so out of breath from the stairs that I literally needed a few minutes to regain my composure. That was one of the reasons I pushed it at the gym, so I wouldnt be so close to fainting. Ok, along the the last flight of stairs are pictures of the chain of command - Secretary of Navy, Secretary of Defense, The Dick, and Dubya. What always - ALWAYS - got me was that smirk that Dick Cheney has in the picture. Remember, this is his OFFICIAL portrait. This is the picture that is going down in the history books. So yes, I will miss the smirk.


How many times did I swoon over the flight surgeon? How many times did I actually post on this blog that I saw the man? Rockstar knows how much of a fan I was (am) of his. I needed to share and yes, I got permission to post and gush over his photo on the blog. So the flight surgeon is on the right and his clinic assistant on the left (who aint bad either). Come to think of it most of the medical guys, including the search and rescue crew were pretty easy on the eyes. Can I get an AMEN Jessica?


Ahhh - the pilots. They are indeed a breed of their own. When I say that I was warned about their attitudes, I'm not kidding. However - that warning was really not needed and they proved to be very playful and just over all great guys. I'm really going to miss my other coworkers but the pilots I will miss a lot because of the little quirks they had that proved that they were indeed in a league of their own.


Anonymous said...

What I miss most about your last job: That you always had a new post for me to read.

Melissa is... said...

Madman - dont talk about THAT on the blog...

Shannon - yes I know I suck blah blah blah - I've been busy!! You would think that with me going in at 9am it would give me more time to do stuff, but no. I'll work on it, I promise.

Anonymous said...

A-FRICKIN-MEN, MY SISTA! Ah, I do love the Doc & was heart-broken when I found out he was off the market, but the hottie PR officer, the cutie (and cocky!) SAR boys, and that one hottie pilot dude (what was his name again?) well made up for it. Man I miss the men in uniform.....They now only live on for me in your blog - since I couldn't get that damn group shot. Damn! Damn! Damn!

Anonymous said...

Oh, by the way....what I DON'T MISS about that place is falling down the stairs! :)