Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Happy Belated Birthday Kelena!!

No - I didnt forget, my phone call to you on Saturday proves it! But I've been having major blog, internet, phone and overall issues (which will be discussed in another post)


I'm sorry I couldnt make the soiree in Vegas - I hope you tipped the strippers well, I mean you and they sounded like you guys were having a ball and no, I dont know what I would do with 5 pounds of vaseline...am I making this up because your husband and his crew are reading this and I can screw with him? Maybe.....

One more because I know you can take it...here is your card:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to me!!!I had a great time, but I know it would have better if you could have made it. We tipped the topless (guy) bartender very well and damn it if those cage dancers at the RumJungle would have shaken their little tushies a little harder, I would have tipped them too!! LoL