Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Almost forgot...

So at the gym we have a variety of televisions to watch during our workouts and they put different shows on. The one show that is always on is The O'Reilly Factor. This guy is as bad as Dr. Laura. I have to read the closed captions to keep up with the show and last night they had this lady that works at the magazine Ad Week talking about Paris Hilton's new Carl's Jr ad. Oh, Paris Hilton. Let me say that there are a few people in this world that I think are truly overrated - she is sooo one of them. She looks like a giant anorexic chihuahua. Where else but in our society can we reward someone for flaunting her bony frame with pieces of cloth strategically placed, for glamorizing being a ditz (thanks to Jessica Simpson for this one too), and milking the inheritance that her parents created. It has spoiled brat written all over it. I cant believe that Carl's Jr stooped that low, gives me another reason not to eat there...even though I love their Famous Stars (with cheese, no pickles, no onions, no tomatoes). So he invites this lady to talk about it and she starts saying how it was a great marketing ploy because you are paying her to do exactly what she's good ad - being suggestive, because, after all, that is her skill set. O'Reilly (from what the captions showed) said that it was too sexy - blah blah blah....my eyes glazed over I was so uninterested in what the man had to say. So at the end of the segment - without actually saying Shut up...thats what he told the lady. She shot back and said that she only goes on those tv shows for the free publicity...good for her! Anyways - Paris Hilton....so not a fan.

Also watched Elimidate...now these dating shows are like train wrecks. If you dont know the premise, they pick a single (guy or girl) and set them up with 4 people. Then they all go out on a date and the single has to eliminate the people througout the night and end up with one. They should just put porn music to accompany this show- seriously. This guy and three girls went to a club and two of the girls took turns kissing the guy on the dance floor. Then they went to sit down. He asked one of the girls (who he had kissed) what kind of guy she was looking for. She said "Funny, sensitive, someone who can take care of me, and someone who is a good kisser" then she pulls him in and starts making out with him with the two girls on the couch looking on in shock - BOOM CHIKI BOW WOW!!! It was so funny! I need to start watching these shows again. I used to watch Blind Date religiously - then one day I saw an old coworker of mine on there and he went down in flames...I mean BAD! She's like "Go Away" and he kept saying "Come on, you know you want me - please". He kept trying to kiss her and she kept dodging and he just wouldnt get the hint! I was embarassed for him and he made the hall of shame.

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