Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Fine Scott!

Ok, alright...since Scott is bitching about how there is no post today here goes...

I'm sorry I havent posted - I'm swamped with some preparation stuff for an upcoming ceremony that they moved up a month. I was going to post something great later, but nooooooooo.

Something weird happened to me last night. I was sound asleep and I woke up freezing at about 2am - I mean freezing like when someone dump a bucket of water on you. So I get up and put socks on and grab a blanket (there hasnt been much use of a blanket since its about mid 70's overnight in these neck of the woods). I touch my forehead, no fever - I go over to Jacob's bed and check if maybe its too cold and he's had an accident (ahh, potty training faux pas). So half asleep, I change his underwear and his shorts. Ok all is good-back to bed I go. At 4am - the same thing - freezing cold! I get up and the first thing that comes to mind is to check if Jacob had an accident - sure as shit he did! I couldnt believe it. I think some form of maternal instincts kicked in over night because thats never happened.

So thats my strange event of the evening. Tonight is Kathy Griffin's special on Bravo - I cant wait that girl is hysterical! I told you it was going to be a weak post.


Melissa is... said...

LINK AWAY!!! I can't believe I'm going to be in the Madman's Guide...tee hee.

ghartstein said...

Boy...I wish I could get my wife to do that for me. It would save midnight trips to the restroom...

Darren said...

Your rants are funny. I am laughing at the fact that your buddy Scott is dissapointed in the fact that you didn't post today.

I'm happy if I can post something at least once ever three days.

Melissa is... said...

Mr G - yeah well, when you are 3 you get waited on hand and foot (especially by my mother)

Darren - Thanks! I think they are and can you imagine that I edit them to go on here? Scott's a crack up, you should check out his blog.

Anonymous said...

Scott is happy with the blog.

I think what was happening was jacob was pissing on you.