Friday, July 18, 2008

Unnecessary Use of the Thesaurus

I have officially started reviewing the 439 resumes for the receptionist position we have available in our company. I have to admit that one of the favorite things to do in my job is looking at these things. I cannot tell you how many times I've saved resumes and cover letters because they crack me up, but I digress. I came across this sentence in one of the resumes that gave me pause...

"Franking outgoing mail, distribution of mail, running office errands and handling all messenger requests."


My first reaction is to ask Kerry what the hell franking means. Then I chose to look it up on I don't think this is what the person wanted the word to mean in the sentence:

A sexual action. It involves three men giving a woman a dirty snachez, a spiderman, and abe lincoln.

Then common sense kicks in and we chose to look it up in an actual dictionary:

To place a stamp or mark on (a piece of mail) to show the payment of postage.

Ahhhhh - well that's much better! Although, this gave Kerry a chance to kill some curiousity and find out a little bit more about Abraham Lincoln. Why do people share with me? WHY?!?!?

Who am I kidding - I love it.

1 comment:

ghartstein said...

Hey, at least she didn't say she was "feltching messenger requests" or anything like that! ;-)