Monday, July 03, 2006


Today's horoscope is so dead on its freaking me out.

Daily Overview for July 03, 2006
Provided by

Quickie: Today offers you a chance to push your plans into high gear. Things are happening!

Overview: Aren't you tired of underestimating your own importance? Is it any wonder that you feel underappreciated by those in a position to advance you? Your self-worth is far greater than you estimate.

Extended: There's a big opportunity coming your way today, so you need to be ready to jump at a moment's notice. Even if the morning's energy seems subdued or even quiet, there will be major things happening all around you as the day progresses. This could be a behind-the-scenes type of situation, so feel free to ask questions and consult the people around you to find out what's really going on. Let your curiosity drive you, and you may discover happy surprises.

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