Friday, April 22, 2005

Lots of Love Everywhere...

So thanks to Scott for the welcome into the club - I can't wait to learn the secret handshake and stuff. A great big CONGRATULATIONS to Kelly and her fiancee! Its no wonder you were saying he wasnt your boyfriend! We get it.

Today is one of my regular Friday's off and so the Jake man, my mom, and I are heading to Lancaster to look for a dress for my friend's wedding last week in Atlanta!!! I cant wait to get out of town - I'm particularly looking forward to Jacob's first plane ride. I'm glad I'm traveling with friends so they can help me carry all his crap. I'm taking his DVD player and I can use the excuse that HE wants to watch Dodgeball and Grease - I love that my kid got my taste in movies. Next is the appreciation of Mel Brooks movies.


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I'm trying to join the club and I keep getting put on hold!