Friday, October 14, 2005

The Moving Bitch

Let me give you all a word of advice - if you ever move into a job right when they are moving - expect to be knows as the moving bitch. So far, thats what my job has been - just dealing with the move and dabbling with actual work responsibilities.

Someone needs to meet with the locksmith to verify all the keys work - send Melissa
Someone needs to label all the work areas for the movers - Melissa can do it
Someone needs to label all the computers so the IT people can know who they belong to - Melissa can handle that
Someone needs to shred all the confidential documents - guess who?

Don't get me wrong - its a hell of a lot better than sitting around and doing nothing (which because of the move is what I would be doing) and its been fun getting to know people by going up to them and saying "Hi, I'm Melissa - the new HR person...whats your name so I can label your computer." I've learned a lot about the people in the business but getting asked questions that I have no clue about - like if we are getting new shredders...thats been the best!!! I've been here a week and already being asked stuff like that?!?! COME ON! I dont even know the freaking phone number to the office - let alone have a phone of my own to use.

Ok - gotta get back to shredding...


ghartstein said...

Put a shredder in front of your desk and label it "Questions". People will get the idea...

Melissa is... said...

Madman --I think there is some good money in that idea!

G - I think in my first week of work that would label me as a bitch - que no? Oh wait - I'm already a bitch!

Azteca - Damn straight I can!!!

Funny thing about this title is that one of the directors gave it to me.