Monday, March 06, 2006

Tips from Me to You

One of the reasons why I havent been posting is because I have been busy recruiting. There are great things about recruiting - like finding a person you really like and hope they go all the way through and get the job. Then there are the times when you are sitting in the interview and hoping that there is a fire so you have a reason to run out of the room screaming. I've compiled a bit of tidbits or morsels of knowledge when interviewing for a job.

1) Dont throw a hissy fit about getting your parking validated. You are asking us for a job!
2) Dont tell us that part of your 5 year plan is to open up a brothel.
3) Dont bring your friend to an interview because she needs a job too. The appointment was just for you.
4) Yes, the receptionist's opinion is taken seriously - so be nice to them!
5) Please, for the love of God, if you sign the application and you state that you DON’T have any misdemeanors and/or felonies make sure that’s the truth. This whole “Uh, I didn’t know that was going to come up” doesn’t work.
6) Working Full Time means 40 hours a week, if you want your days off that means working nights, if you say you can work weekends, that means EVERY weekend.
7) Make the time to create a “professional” email address – your credibility does go down a bit if your email address is (Yes I made it up)
8) Please, don’t flirt
9) There is a fine line between confident and arrogant.
10) When I ask you what kind of company you want to work for, don’t read from our company description in our job ad.
11) Professional references means people you have worked with or for – not the manager of the fast food restaurant you frequent twice a week.

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