Monday, July 04, 2005


The latter part of the weekend turned out to be lots of fun compared to my movie day on Saturday. I was supposed to get a call to go camping on Saturday morning but the call never came in - so thus movie day and the start of potty training weekend for the Jake man. The call then came in on Sunday, but I woke up with this urge to freaking clean - so I did that most of the day and then got into the car and made the hour or so drive to the campground to meet up with Carol and Hope. It was lots of fun - especially it being Jacob's first camping trip. Played in the river, slept in the tent, used the yucky port-a-potty...good times, good times. So other than the camping the other big thing was the potty training. We really have to work on the aiming issue. I was on the phone with his dad and screaming "Aim Down! Aim Down!" "Don't touch me, you have pee on your hand!" He was just laughing and hung up. He called about 5 minutes later still laughing. Said he could picture the whole thing - yeah real funny. So the potty training is going well - just trudging a long.

Oh, I dont know what I ate but I've had a rash on my arms for most of the day. WTF? Seriously. Just on my arms. Its weird - hopefully it will go away overnight.

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