Monday, July 11, 2005

Blog Browsing

Alrighty - Monday is here and I'm getting into my work routine. No one is in the office this morning due to meetings and junk so I've been catching up on the blogs I've decided to follow. Which leads me to a new feature on my blog:

BLOG OF THE WEEK (insert cheesy thunderous applause here)
This week's blog is a hilarious entry from Brian (no not that Brian) called The Casual Friday. This man has made me laugh so hard at work that my boss has had to come out and ask me what the hell is going on - I then send him the link and I hear him dying in his office. So thanks for the laughs Brian, hope you like being the first.

I watched Motorcycle Diaries yesterday. Excellent movie. I'm loving Netflix - although I keep screwing with the queue and my little AFI project is getting all fuckered up.

Funny little things I thought about...
Yes, I still need to do the picture thing on here - I'm just lazy and procrastinating the whole thing. Go to my myspace profile - I have pics there if you really want to see me.

This guy in my building (I'm not getting specific because certain people I work with read this blog) keeps checking out my feet and its really creeping me out. And its not this casual look - its he notices I'm wearing open toed shoes and stares at my feet - ewww. BUT the funny thing is that if I found this guy to be attractive - I probably wouldnt mind it as much - but I dont and thus the need for some sort of cleansing afterwards. I've kind of just dealt with it - run into the office and run out or hide behind something but every now and then I let that guard down and its like I can feel his eyes on them.

Scott still hasnt posted his blog...WTF?

I can't believe I was so worked up about the people breaking into the stadium Friday night for the soccer game.

Last night when I went to the ATM - I saw some guy walking with his girlfriend and carrying a samurai sword on his back. I love my freaky little desert town.


Anonymous said...

Pardon my French but the AFI list can toss my salad. Where is the mention of Summer School or Fastimes I mean come on. You want a list of 100 great movies to see ask me, and start with "The Green Door"

Melissa is... said...

marriedman: your blog isnt THAT bad ;)

Anonymous: Yes, I feel that since Mystery Men isnt on the list it doesnt count too much - but alas, I need something to occupy my time.

midwest_hick: yes they are painted - this week's color is one that I picked at the nail place called "No I'm not a Waitress" I swear.