Thursday, May 26, 2005


Jiminy Christmas!

LOST was good (not great). I love Hurley- had the best line of the night “He just exploded, right in front of us”. So they answered some questions – the creepy kid Walt got kidnapped (I totally called it) by the “others” – who have a working boat and look like pirates. They shot Sawyer and the Korean guy jumped in after him – then they blew up the raft. Found out that if you have a deep gash – open a bullet, dump the gunpowder on it, then light it on fire to close it. That’s something I never learned in Girl Scouts. I hope Charlie doesn’t start up on the heroin they found on the island…oh please oh please oh please. They opened the hatch and there were stairs and broke off about 2 yards down. I still have no idea what all that could be. Locke is seriously an ass. Hurley was trying to warn about opening the hatch because he saw the numbers and Locke just lit the fuse anyways. That man is possessed! Like I said – good, but not great.

ALIAS – what are they thinking leaving us with the cliffhanger they did? Sydney gets engaged to Vaughn. Irina (Syd’s mom) gets all uppity with Vaughn about being honest about who he is. Sloane shoots his own daughter – Nadia. Syd saves the world. Sydney and Vaughn are driving to Santa Barbara and he tells her that there is something that she needs to know if they are going to get married.

Syd: As long as you don’t tell me you are a bad guy
Vaughn: Well that depends on who you ask
Syd: What?
Vaughn: Well it wasn’t an accident that you came to me at the CIA when you came to talk about SD6.
Syd: What do you mean Vaughn?
Vaughn: And my name isn’t Michael Vaughn

Insert car crash here….

So I’m thinking the car crash wasn’t an accident (because they never are) and who the hell is he then? Poor Sydney – so much therapy, so little time.

As I wrote to Shannon this morning in an email - ahhhhhhhhhhhhaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh

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