Friday, May 20, 2005

ooohhh it so rocked!

I highly recommend paying full price, matinee, or first born (well maybe not first born) to see Star Wars 3. It rocked harder than a bed in a cheap motel on prom night. The movie (story wise) started out a bit slow but when Anakin steps over the dark side - watch out! As it turns out, Darth Vader is not very nice.

Got my manicure and pedicure and convinced a male friend to have a manicure. I wont name names because he's afraid his masculinity will be questioned but I know he loved it. He claimed to be in estrogen heaven and testoterone hell. But you know what - he was a sport. And he loved the hot asian chick rubbing his hands.

So tomorrow Jacob and I are off to the Renassiance Faire in Pomona and then I'm hitting up the Getty on Sunday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So Evan and I "paid full price" last night for Star wars III and we couldn't have been happier. Evan looked like a little kid at his very first movie.