Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Life I'm Never Getting Back

I took Jacob to go see The Adventures of Shark Boy and Lava Girl. I pleaded with him to go see Madagascar again - but noooo, he wanted to go see the other movie. And since the ex took him to go see Mr. and Mrs. Smith (not kidding) - I obliged. Review: The movie has a nice message about dreaming and how to always dream a better dream, blah blah, blah - but I just started thinking about other things I would have rather been doing, like cleaning a toilet. Would have proven to be a bit more productive. And the whole 3-D glasses thing always throws me for a loop. But I have to admit that I got sucked into the story and wanted to find out what happened to Shark Boy and Lava Girl - the girl who played the teacher's (George Lopez) daughter looked like a really young and tanned Tara Reid - I couldnt get past that either. So I went home, gave Jacob a bath, and put him to bed. Then I chatted with my brother who sends (see Oscar I'm giving you proper credit) me this link for a movie his friend made. Ok - something else I felt I was wasting precious life moments on - and then the dance off begins. I'm warning you now - its about 15 minutes long, but gets funny towards the end. Might be inappropriate for work so do it at home or shut your door. "The nads are beating up the punks!" Yeah, it was pretty funny.

Tonight is Fire Me, Please. Watch it - its so funny! Well, hopefully it will be as funny as it was last week. Time for work...boss is away at the other base and its time to play...

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