Monday, June 06, 2005


Amazingly enough I’ve just been preoccupied – that’s why I haven’t posted.

I had my usual bi-weekly day off. Took awhile for me to get my day started because – well it was Friday and I didn’t have to be anywhere at any exact time. So I ran my errands and took Jacob to see Madagascar – I should rephrase, he took me to see Madagascar because he had already seen it. Ok, this movie is hysterical! It’s cute and just so funny. Julian, the King of the Lemurs was my favorite character, I about died laughing when he first came on. Seriously, you guys need to watch it at some point, I want to take Jacob again, maybe tonight…more for me because I want to see King Julian again – MOVE IT, MOVE IT! After the movie, we went home and had dinner because we were going to go see a ballet recital of Alice in Wonderland that a bunch of my coworker’s kids were in. It was pretty good – I mean, still a local dance recital BUT there was one interesting point of the evening…the girl (lady, whatever) that did the Cheshire Cat – holy cow…it was like watching some erotic dancer on stage, I was a bit embarrassed. I sat with my boss and his family and I asked him during the intermission and apparently the same thought had crossed his mind. I sat there, with my mouth open and just in shock. I was waiting for her to pull a chair on stage, pull a rope, and have water fall on her.

So I took Jacob over to my friend’s house to water his plants. According to the list, I had to water EVERYTHING – so that’s what I did. I watered EVERYTHING. When he called to ask how things were going, I happily told him that we watered EVERYTHING and that Jacob had watered his cacti plants. To which he says – “You weren’t supposed to water the cacti!” “Uh, why not?” I reply “Because you don’t, I didn’t say to water the cacti” “You said EVERYTHING. Everything includes the cacti, if you didn’t want me to water the cacti you should have said everything but the cacti” Geez Louise….But Jacob got to see his tomato plant and he accidentally plucked off a tomato.

Woke up late and basically ran more errands including the watering. Ryan called to check on his plants and I told him that some look wilted. He freaked. So I was asking him questions about his plants and apparently the way I was phrasing the questions was freaking him out. It was kind of funny. I went off on him because #1 I told him I had a black thumb, even if watering plants is a no-brainer, if someone says “Use me as an absolute last resort”, you should TRUST THEM! I also got snippy because he only called to check on his plants, not to ask about my weekend and me but about his plants. My mom would laugh because she said that she could picture him jumping in his car and driving back just to check on his plants. But Ryan is a sport….

I woke up in the mood to clean. I got up and immediately cleaned my desk – like I was still in my pajamas and cleaning. Ended up making dinner – I totally rock. So I watched the Tony’s and I came to many realizations.
1) I wished I lived in New York so I could see these shows
2) Hugh Jackman is a really good singer
3) Monty Python rocks
4) Christina Applegate has one of those annoying, shrilly Broadway voices
5) They did a scene from the play “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee” and I was laughing so hard. I’m putting that on my list!

Then I stayed up way late playing Literati with Juan (I won the series 2-1). He kicked and I mean KICKED my ass the first game but then I came back with a vengeance in the second two games.

Ok – I have to start work. That lady that is driving me nuts has 4 days left and the countdown has begun. She’s making something so simple so unbelievably complicated.

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